This highly controversial page is for those with open minds and souls and those unwilling to make opinions and judge books by their covers (which I only do at bookstores). Because, you know, a book cover is like a block of moldy cheese...and I'm not sure where I'm going with that, so let's just skip the introduction and take a look at some...

Used Religion



constructed many years ago...when I first got "saved"
about what I've learned since then

scientific problems that arise from the Bible...and some solutions

addendum (March 2010): these pages are here for archival/education purposes, not argumentative (despite their tone)

"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain (Titus 3:9 King James Version)".

the "global flood"

Daily Devotionals

Daily excerpt from 'A Year with C. S. Lewis' and 'Wisdom from the Proverbs' for the 27th of April

27 April

To Become Really Doggy

True personality lies ahead—how far ahead, for most of us, I dare not say. And the key to it does not lie in ourselves. It will not be attained by development from within outwards. It will come to us when we occupy those places in the structure of the eternal cosmos for which we were designed or invented. As a colour first reveals its true quality when placed by an excellent artist in its pre-elected spot between certain others, as a spice reveals its true flavour when inserted just where and when a good cook wishes among the other ingredients, as the dog becomes really doggy only when he has taken his place in the household of man, so we shall then first be true persons when we have suffered ourselves to be fitted into our places. We are marble waiting to be shaped, metal waiting to be run into a mould. No doubt there are already, even in the unregenerate self, faint hints of what mould each is designed for, or what sort of pillar he will be. But it is, I think, a gross exaggeration to picture the saving of a soul as being, normally, at all like the development from seed to flower. The very words repentance, regeneration, the New Man, suggest something very different. Some tendencies in each natural man may have to be simply rejected.
—from "Membership" (The Weight of Glory)

1939 The Personal Heresy is published by Oxford University Press.

Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis

The Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses. Copyright © 1949, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1976, revised 1980 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

April 27

The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked (10:3).

"I'm used to getting what I set my sights on," said an executive to one of his business partners. "I don't care what it takes, any amount of money, but I want my daughter to get into the best school." After a few phone calls, promises of favors, and expensive gifts and bonuses, the girl was in a fine college, and the business executive got back to his affairs.

A lot of people get accustomed to having their own way. They learn to manipulate other people, and to pay for favors. Money becomes a tool by which they control people and situations. The fatal danger to this kind of thinking is that it will work in every situation.

The problems is that Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons. Money has no influence over God. The wealth of man has no value in the presence of God. True wealth is the love and fear of God. This wealth is available to all people, and no one can take it away. It can't be bought, it can only be freely received, as a gift. But if it is received, it cannot share space with material wealth. We must choose one or the other. The riches of man will be cast away by God, but the wealth of heaven will save all believers from famishing.

prayer: Nourish my soul with your greatness, O Lord. Fill me with contempt for the treasure which fades away and crumbles to dust. Set my heart on the true treasure, which never fades, and shines more brightly than the sun. Amen.

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Greco-Roman mythology

I've always been fascinated with it...

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